Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week Five: Photoshop

Photoshop is a tool that almost everyone in the 21st century is familiar. Whether they have used it or have just heard the term, Photoshop is growing in popularity. The term has actually transformed into a verb where pictures are "photoshopped" or people are "photoshopped" into pictures. In class, we discussed how photoshop can be used by advertisements to manipulate customers. A tool like Photoshop holds the power to convey any message the advertiser wants to send and is used everyday.

A tool like Photoshop is invaluable in a field like Sports Management because it's a resource that allows to show what the imagination can only express. When giving a presentation or idea, Photoshop allows for the visualization and representation of ideas. Given this information, it's important to understand how data and information can be misrepresented by using Photoshop. I know that when using Photoshop I have to be careful to not use totally manipulative images and rather use logic and fact as well to support an idea.

This video shows the power of Photoshop in "enhancing" beauty. Not only does Photoshop alter an image it shapes society's ideal of beauty by putting standards and specifications of computer settings on it, Photoshop allows an artist to change the true identity of a photo with a few clicks of a mouse.

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