Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week 10: Concept Mapping

A concept map is one way to represent relationship between ideas, images, or words. Each word or phrase is connected to another with everything being linked back to the original idea. They are a great way devlop logical thinking and good study skills. The technique for visualizing these relationships is called concept mapping.

Many times in the sporting world there are presentations shown to display a new idea or show different options of a plan. Concept maps are great visual elements to enhance a presentation. They can provide clarity on a subject and also make the presentation more enjoyable for the audience through the use of visuals. It would be great for detailing the entire structure of an idea or line of argument.

I actually put the idea of concept mapping into use in the form of showing how my field can relate to social networking. Using the Webspiration, an online tool for concept mapping, i created this example:

Week 9: Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is something that many people have already participated in unknowingly. Sending a web link you think is interesting to a friend is an example of this. Social bookmarking is tagging a website and saving it for a later use. What makes it unique is that instead of saving them to your browser you are saving them to the web. Since the bookmarks are online this allows for easy sharing with friends and coworkers. It allows you to specifically target what you want to see and narrow down the items you are looking for.

Being in the sport management field i see social bookmarking as a tool that could be often used. It allows you to save your favorite web sites and send them to your coworkers for another opinion. Another thing is you can see what other people have tagged and found interesting and maybe get a few different ideas that you otherwise would not have had access too. You can browse through items based on such things as popularity and recently added. This will give you numerous different sources for anything you choose to browse, a huge helping tool for any field.

This is a great example of a social bookmarking website. It is very organized and very simple to maneuver your way through. It allows for you to search for anything while also telling you what is hot right now. This is a great site for those that are looking to expand their social bookmarking.

Week 8: Podcasting

Podcasting is online audio content that could be compared to something such as radio on demand. The differenct is that podcating gives far more options in terms of content and programming than the radio does. Another asset of podcasting is that listeners can determine the time and the place of it deciding what they want to receive and when they want to listen to it, making it very conveniant. It allows listeners to listen at their leiusre.

Podcasting is definitly a tool i can see myself using in the future in the sporting world. The sporting world is one that is very busy and ongoing so a program that is so conveniant would be extremely valuable. One thing it could be used for is informational content that needs to be given out. The most important thing i believe it could be used for in my field is training via instructional material. People may be called upon constantly to do different sorts of jobs so having a podcast available with the necessary training for each job would be very valuable.

This video is a basic instructional walkthrough on how to create a podcast. This would be a great video for beginners that are unsure how to get started. It shows how to create and edit a podcast, and also how to distribute it.

Week 7: Digital Storytelling

As the name suggests digital storytelling is the use of computer based tools to tell a story. Most stories will focus on a specific topic and contaiin a particular viewpoint. Digital storytelling usually contains a mixture of computer-based images, text and audio. They story can vary in length depending on the story that is being told. The topics can wide ranging from personal stories to the recounting of historical events. The beauty of it is that it can be created by anyone on any subject and shared all over the world.

Being a sport management major i can definitly apply this to the sporting world in many different ways. Sporting events are very popular worldwide and digital storytelling would be a great way to share some of these events with people that could not attend. It can show future employees past successes of the program through a short story built on images and text. Also coaches can use this to show potential recruits different things about their program in a quick, simple way.

This video is a great example of what digital storytelling is and the many ways it can applied. It is also an example of digital storytelling in itself because it tells a story through text, images, and audio.